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Tracy Delaney, PhD

Founding Executive Director

Tracy Delaney, PhD, RD, is the founding director of the Public Health Alliance of Southern California. Her work advances population health and equity through multi-sector initiatives addressing policy, systems, and environmental change. She has spearheaded multidisciplinary projects integrating land use and transportation, food systems, climate and water resources, and community equity indicators. During her tenure at the County of San Diego, she was Principal Investigator for the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Communities Putting Prevention to Work grant, the nation’s largest federal obesity prevention award, and the CDC’s Community Transformation Grant.

She holds a doctorate in Nutrition from the University of California, Davis, and is a registered dietician and a certified Health Fitness Director with the American College of Sports Medicine. Dr. Delaney was honored with the 2014 Leadership Award by the Southern California Public Health Association. She has a voluntary Clinical Professor faculty appointment with the University of California Department of Family Medicine and Public Health.

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Cherished Futures is a multi-sector collaborative effort to reduce Black infant deaths and improve patient experience and safety for Black mothers and birthing people in Los Angeles County by driving systems change at the clinical, institutional and community levels. 

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Cherished Futures is a joint initiative of Communities Lifting Communities, the Public Health Alliance of Southern California, and the Hospital Association of Southern California. Click the logos below to learn more about each organization.

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